Monday, September 13, 2010

Slim Pickins

It's the first day of my second week on the Tomato farm. I can't help but say that this definitely is not the job for me. Physically I feel worse and worse every day and even though I've been sleeping for 9 hours a night, I still feel very tired during work. My back feels stiff when I bend over to pick the tomatoes and when I squat down the backs oft knees are dirty and sunburnt so it hurts. It's also restricting the blood flow down my leg and my toes are numb every night, when we get back to the hostel.

For the first week I earned around $800, which is pretty much the minimum for a two week stay here. Add to that the pay from today, tomorrow and Wednesday and I might even end up leaving Proserpine with more money than I had when I decided to come here. Thursday is my day-off and depending in how I feel I might work on Friday or I might not... I'm either leaving on Saturday or early Sunday morning. I'd like to go see some crocodiles, but I probably can't do it on Thursday if I wanna leave this week.

Next up is Brisbane where I want to swim in the ocean, see the sights and try to recuperate from this ordeal before I move down to Melbourne. I'm waiting for details about my upcoming job there buy I will let you know as soon as I get some. Unofficially, I can say that it's going to be very really absolutely cool.

I'll blog more in a couple of days.


  1. Kyl sitä pari päivää jaksaa, jos on kerran parempaa tiedossa. Stemppiä, täällä luetaan kuulumisia ahkerasti! :)


  2. Voi jukupätkä! Kortti tuli perille, ja voin sanoa, että on aika kade. Onks kaikki tomaatinpoimijanaiset noin ruskettuneita ja yläosattomia? Mä muuten tiedänkin mihin oot menossa töihin (koska kerrot sen kortissa). KUULOSTAA MUUTEN AIKA HYVÄLTÄ. Toivottavasti saat jopin!

